• Remote Work
  • Team

The foundation of successful remote teams: Communication.

2 min read

In remote teams, language plays a crucial role and influences many aspects of team dynamics, interaction, and productivity.

Here are some tips that can improve communication:

  1. Clarity: Clarity in communication ensures that you express yourselves clearly and precisely. Try to avoid ambiguous or vague statements to prevent potential misunderstandings. Irony and sarcasm can often be misunderstood and should therefore be used sparingly.
  2. Sensitivity: Remote teams often consist of members from different cultural, linguistic, and personal backgrounds. It is important to choose a language that includes everyone and does not disadvantage anyone. Try to avoid colloquial expressions that might not be familiar to everyone.
  3. Updates: It is essential to communicate regular updates about the status to ensure that all team members are informed and to address potential challenges or questions.
  4. Expectations: Set clear goals and expectations from the beginning so that every team member understands what is required.
  5. Feedback: Encourage your team to continuously exchange feedback. This helps to clear up any ambiguities and optimize teamwork.
  6. Written Documentation: Ensure that essential data, decisions, and processes are documented so that every team member can refer to them.
  7. Emojis: Since non-verbal signals are missing in remote work, emojis can better convey emotions and feelings. A simple smiley, for example, can indicate that a message was sent in a friendly tone, while a sad emoji shows empathy.